Hello! My name is Allie and this is my homepage. Cooking, baking and having the best food makes the soul sing and stomaches cheer. Since I was 10, I constantly got cookbooks and baking books for gifts. Since I was three, I was constantly in sports and in fitness-related activities. Since I was 18 when I got my first job, I was obsessed with making money for myself and being an independent businesswoman.
My sweet life includes nothing but blessings, well at least currently. In the last 10-15 years, there has definitely been a whirlwind of a year. A lot of grown up events happened in my life quicker than I thought they would. When they say timing is not perfect, they are completely right. What has happened to me in this past year usually is spread out over time.
I have faith that everything is going the way it is supposed to be going right now. Day by day, week by week, year by year, I am always given new experiences that mold me into the person I am supposed to be when I am done “growing up.” How I handle them and where I am led, will definitely determine my next chapter.
Do I wish sometimes my life would slow down? Yes. Do I wish I could stop looking into the future? Uhhhh YES. Do I hope that I will be successful in the future? Do I wish I could have a perfect life? No. If I was perfect, nothing would be worth enjoying. I would find something wrong with anything that is thrown my way.
Throughout the last 10-15 years of life there has been a lot of changes and monumental events, where you focus on food, fitness, and financial gains and losses. The beauty of adulting.
Subscribe as I will be posting whenever I have the moment to let you know about a new food recipe created, new financial discovery, or new fitness routine up and going.